Residents in Kamala are horrified after an incident last Saturday night following the death of 65 year old British resident Zoe Luckett. The incident involved a white passenger van that struck and killed Ms. Luckett at the main intersection in Kamala around 9pm.
According to witnesses, the van ran a red light at an alleged “high speed”, hitting Luckett and propelling her body more than 20 metres down the road before coming to a halt. Despite swift medical attention, Luckett was pronounced dead at Patong Hospital, some 20 minutes away by road.
According to The Phuket News, local authorities are yet to publicly acknowledge the accident, citing “non-functioning CCTV cameras” at the intersection as a reason for lack of evidence. However, businesses in the area say they have forwarded footage of the incident that police, at this stage, have declined to view.
Locals are also concerned over the lack of alcohol testing for the van driver. Many residents say that the main thoroughfare through Kamala is often abused with speeding drivers and a lack of surveillance on traffic through the area.
Calls for traffic control measures, such as speed humps and signage, have intensified following Ms. Luckett’s death.
Luckett, acknowledged as “a beloved long-term resident of Kamala” lived in Kamala for many years.